Thank you for interest in help the Friends of Edison with our Mission or rehabilitating the Black Maria so that future decades visitors can enjoy, learn and be inspired by Edison’s cinema invention.
Event details
May 15 4:30 – 6:30
4:30-5:30 will be open tours
5:30-6:30 will be open to snacking and learning more about our mission and the amazing history of the Black Maria.
Parking available across the street in 2 open lots.
Tour the open areas of the complex, learn about the black maria’s significance to the history of cinema and sample some of the areas best treats and drinks. Most of all, know that your dollars and support are helping to preserve the birthplace of so much innovation that we appreciate in our lives today.
Dr. Claudy Op Den Kamp
Claudy Op den Kamp is Principal Academic in Film, and faculty member at the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management. During the 2022 Spring semester, she is a Kluge Fellow at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Dr. Claudy Op Den Kamp will share her thoughts from decades of study and concentration of the early days of cinema and the significance Edison had on what we all enjoy today.

Tom Ross:
The superintendent of the Thomas Edison National Historical Park will be speaking on behalf of the park and sharing some of the many missions the park has for the year and share some insights on the redevelopment plan of the Black Maria Structure.
Rich Silivanch:
Chairman of the Board for the Friends of Thomas Edison will share a little about our organization and how important our work is for the legacy of the museum, park, Edison’s innovations and inspiration for future generations.
Our Project Mission:
We’re focused on preserving the artifacts, inspiration, home and legacy of Thomas Edison. This years focus is raising Capital for rehabilitating the Black Maria, the first movie studio where history was made every day of its existence. Please download and view our Mission Plan below:
Treats to Enjoy:
We’ll be sharing samples of delicious treats and beverages from the community. This is not a dinner, rather an opportunity to experience what makes our community such a great pace to live enjoy our Park.
A big thank you to our delicious local sponsors...
Sponsorship opportunities are open and we’d love to showcase your business. Our ideal sponsor partners have an inspiration or association with innovations that Edison brought to the world. We’re looking for current day businesses leading the way in lighting, cinema, communication, mass production, energy, Intellectual Property and Patent Law and music and video.
Tickets And Payment
“Raise the Roof” a Fundraising Event for the Black Maria
Presented by Friends of Thomas Edison National Historic Park
I can’t make it, but I’d like to donate
I can’t make it, but I’d like to donate